
Why Be Married? For the Family


I’ll be gathering with my first husband’s family in a few weeks to celebrate the life of my sister-in-law, who died the same week as my mother earlier this year. It has me thinking about marriage and families. A few months after I met Rod, we drove across the continent to meet his family. The next year, they flew to us for our wedding. We were married for thirteen years before he died...

Why Be Married? For the Family


I’ve always thought it wonderful that when I married, I married into a family. Both my husbands’ families are now part of my extended family. When my son married eight years ago, my family grew again. In a couple of weeks, I’ll get to meet his mother-in-law and father-in-law, who live in India, in person for the first time. I can’t wait. We share a couple of adorable...

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