Taghappy marriage

Is It a Third Alternative or Just Alternative 1.5?


You have a disagreement with your spouse or life partner. You want one thing. We will call it Alternative 1. Your mate wants something else. Because I am a stickler for symmetry, we will call it Alternative 2. Alternatives 1 and 2 For example, Alternative 1 might be the toilet paper you grew up with and Alternative 2 might be a new, greener brand your husband or wife prefers. If you two choose...

Radio Interview with Barbara Sher


On February 17th, I was interviewed on Barbara Sher’s Live the Life You Love web radio show. Barbara is a wonderful interviewer, and the hour turned out to be great fun for me. The interview is all about how to Assume Love, Expect Love, and Find Third Alternatives and why these help us Enjoy Being Married. To listen, click on the link above and look for the 2/17/2008 show. You can play it...

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