
Why Be Married? Not Alone for Our Own Happiness


“After the open-air meeting the procession reformed and marched back to the chapel, which was filled to the door with a crowd that waited impatiently for the service to begin. The chapel was decorated with evergreens, roses, wedding bells and flags. A solid bank of white and green was before the altar. Above, a huge wedding bell of flowers was suspended. Before the ceremony Mrs. Stillwell...

Marriage, the Journey


So much of what we do in life has a goal. We convince ourselves we will be happy when we reach the goal. We work hard to get there for as long we believe the goal lies within our reach. When we no longer believe it does, some of us double down and look for a better route to the goal. The rest of us move on to a different goal. We pursue happiness. When we marry, we set the goal of loving each...

I’m Not Happy


“I’m not happy.” How awful to realize this, awful enough to make you want to make a big change, like leaving the person you imagined could make you happy for the rest of your life. “I’m scared silly” would be different. So would “I’m really angry, and I’m not going to take it any more.” “Not happy” carries no danger, no...

Why Assume Love and Expect Love? For Your Own Happiness


This blog gets cross-posted in my Facebook Notes, where I was asked an interesting question this morning (well, morning for me, afternoon for David, who asked): Hey Patty, I get Assume Love, but what about expect love. Isn’t that the opposite? Assume love is taking the onus on yourself while expect love is waiting for someone else to give it. Or am I reading too much into this? This is such...

For marriage book reviews and books by Patty Newbold, the author of Assume Love, visit:

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