Tagget married

When You Get Married


When you get married, pay close attention to all that is good and right about the person you choose. Pay close attention to the ways this wonderful man or woman makes you feel great about life, about love, and about yourself. Your new husband or wife will someday reveal weaknesses, envy, selfishness under stress. Those will be temporary. The goodness, the integrity, the honesty, the justice, the...

I’m Dying to Tell You About Something


This arrived today as a comment, but it’s too good to be hidden away like that. It’s written by a regular blog reader who calls herself Roodle. It made my day, and I think it will give a lot of hope and wisdom to others hoping to get married. Hi again, Patty. I’m dying to tell you about something that’s happened in my life, largely due to your blog. I’m in my mid...

Want Commitment? Let Yourself Be Judged


Because I went to a university with a 15:1 male-to-female ratio and found myself a widow at age 34, I have a little experience with dating. One big mistake people make while dating, assuming their goal is to find and marry a great guy or gal, is trying to duck being judged. They do what they believe others want or expect, hoping to be selected as good enough to commit to. They fear rejection. All...

3 Things to Know Before You Get Married


In answer to a question posed to me today, I think people should know 3 things before they marry: How to find a third alternative to any disagreement, an option that gives each party all they were looking for in their first suggestion without the drawbacks of the other person’s first suggestion, instead of arguing. That what you can expect from marriage is love, not any particular sign of...

For marriage book reviews and books by Patty Newbold, the author of Assume Love, visit:

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