
Why Be Married? For the Family


I’ll be gathering with my first husband’s family in a few weeks to celebrate the life of my sister-in-law, who died the same week as my mother earlier this year. It has me thinking about marriage and families. A few months after I met Rod, we drove across the continent to meet his family. The next year, they flew to us for our wedding. We were married for thirteen years before he died...

Five Ways to Screw Up a Holiday


Here are five great ways to screw up a family holiday: Overschedule yourselves, leaving no time to savor together the family gathering you worked so hard to create Fail to notice your mate’s Love Language, whether it’s bringing something extra from the store as a gift, obsessing over the turkey as an act of service, or spending precious bonus time off from work trying to talk or do...

Should I be Mad at My Mate?


A comment I received yesterday on this blog encouraged me to write this. I am so glad she asked! I’ll bet most readers have asked this same question at some point in their marriages. I’m writing this as I need to blow off steam and see if I am right or wrong about getting mad at my husband. I was busy Sunday afternoon catching up with work. My husband and I weren’t planning on...

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