
This Mess of a Marriage is Not My Fault!


This mess of a marriage we have is NOT my fault. Why should I be the one to change? I have heard this question from people who do not see why it would help to Assume Love, Expect Love, and Find Third Alternatives. I have even asked it myself before that horrible day that opened my eyes. So perhaps you ask it, too. Here’s the thing. Should is the wrong word. When you ask why you should be...

Define Fair Class for Business Partner Couples


Whether you call yourselves copreneurs, couplepreneuers, or a mom and pop business, every relationship feels unfair at times, and so does every business partnership. How can you tell for sure when it’s time to get out? How can you get your mate to carry more of an unjust load? How do you balance child care and cooking against cold-calling and bookkeeping? How can you work things out when...

Want a Fair Marriage?


What makes a marriage fair? A while before my first husband died, I thought it was unfair he wouldn’t take on consulting work, like other professors did. We needed the money. In the months right before his death, I thought it was unfair he wouldn’t accept a semester of disability pay, allowing him to take on more work at home but less work overall with no loss in pay. Then he died...

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