
Looking for Married Couples Between the Ages of 20 and 32


Catie W. O’Neal from the University of Georgia is conducting a study of gender roles in marriage. Can you help her? She is looking for married couples. Both of you must complete the questionnaire. And both of you must be between 20 and 32 years old. The information you provide will be kept confidential. Her project has been approved by Dr. David W. Wright, Department of Child and Family...

Great Couples Book: The Usual Error


Pace and Kyeli Smith have knocked one out of the park with their new couples communication book, The Usual Error: Why We Don’t Understand Each Other and 34 Ways to Make It Better. What is the Usual Error? It is the very normal, very human, big-trouble-creating mistake we all make. It is assuming that others think like us, would react like us, or value the same things we do. When we do this...

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