
Getting help with the Business of Running a Home


I’ve owned a few businesses, some on my own, two of them with partners. For tax purposes, it’s important to be clear whether any person I am working with is an employee, a self-employed contractor, or a partner. An employee does what I want, how I like it, and when I want, typically at will, which means either of us can end the relationship if we’re unhappy. A self-employed...

Doing All the Chores?


You know how you start thinking you’re doing the bulk of the chores? Or that you’re stuck with way too many on top of your exhausting paid job? You are not alone. Most wives feel this way. And so do most husbands. How can this be? Surely one of us is trying to put something over on the other. Surely one of us needs to pick up the pace a bit and relieve our mate, no? Not really. Even...

Marriage: What Should You Expect?


What’s reasonable to expect from a husband? Or a wife? I had an interesting discussion recently with two single women. I told them I believe one of the keys to a great marriage is to expect only love. Well, of course they both expect love. But only love? Shouldn’t we expect fairness? If one cooks, the other cleans up? Unless there are kids at home to care for, both work? If she does...

Broken Promises


Thanks again to Tammy from Creating Success Stories for this great question.
When we were married, my husband and I agreed that I would take care of the inside of the house and he would take care of the outsideā€¦he is lazy and does nothing and I want you to help me do something about it! What should I do to make him do what he promised to?

For marriage book reviews and books by Patty Newbold, the author of Assume Love, visit:

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