CategoryWhy be married?

Why Be Married? To Get into the Guiness Book of World Records


Sydney, Australia set the record at 272 last September, but Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania smashed it this weekend. Which record? The number of married couples simultaneously renewing their wedding vows. To help celebrate Pittsburgh’s 250th birthday and their love for each other, approximately 750 couples gathered in Pittsburgh’s Carnegie Music Hall on February 10th for the celebration...

Why Be Married? It’s a Calling


From The Georgian Times this week: Theoretically Georgia [the country between Turkey and Russia, not the US state] should have a decreasing divorce rate. In the Soviet period getting married was a civil contract, without the deeper relevance of an Orthodox Christian marriage . . . In the Orthodox Christian understanding . . . marriage is a calling, and people marry if they are ‘called’ to do so...

Why Be Married? For the Company


My cousin mentioned today his surprise (or was it delight?) at how much his wife appreciates doing simple things together, like grocery shopping. She’s not alone. Life’s just better with someone who loves you along for the ride. A backrub, a shared day of leaf raking, a smooth river stone with “you’re the best” painted on it, a love note tucked into a briefcase...

Why Be Married? Because Most Couples Don’t Divorce


Here’s the skinny on divorce. If you first got married in the 1950s, the odds are better than 2 to 1 you celebrated your 25th wedding anniversary. If you married in the 1960s, the odds are still good you got there: a little better than 1.5 to 1. If you married in the 1970s, the odds are 1.2 to 1, still better than even. If you recently married, or you’re thinking about getting...

For marriage book reviews and books by Patty Newbold, the author of Assume Love, visit:

Why Be Married? For the Future


Even though we may vow to remain a couple for richer or poorer, in sickness and in health, for as long as we both shall live, most of us can’t imagine what lies ahead when we marry. As I and my friends grow older, the benefits of being part of a happily married couple become more and more obvious. Injuries, cancer, heart attacks, chronic illnesses, the deaths of our parents (or worse, our...

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