
Grab It by the Antlers


My husband dared me to make this advice today’s blog post after I offered it to him during dinner out with my mom last night. Just grab it by the antlers and gnaw. Here’s hoping you, too, find something it applies to today. By the way, he located his spoon before the mousse arrived but not before we both had pictured switching from dainty spoonfuls to a good gnaw on our biggest make...

The Worst That Can Happen


What’s the worst that can happen to your marriage? I think it is a build-up of resentment. It is next-to-impossible to show love to someone when you resent what they’ve done or not done. Even if you try, your actions will be suspect. Your body language will give you away. Resentment is what allows the thought process that justifies emotional affairs, infidelity, and deliberate...

Never Assume? Hogwash!


Let’s kick off this brand new year with a comment on the most frequent objection to my advice to Assume Love from your spouse or life partner. Assume Love triggers a warning phrase we’ve heard many times: never assume. And why does it trigger it so easily in so many of us? Because our default assumption as humans is that at any moment, we may be in danger. We take warnings to heart...

For marriage book reviews and books by Patty Newbold, the author of Assume Love, visit:

Is It Ever OK to Withhold Kisses and Hugs?


Following up on yesterday’s blog post about what we should and shouldn’t withhold from our spouses, I received a question: [D]o you kiss and hug someone with whom you don’t feel close and by whom you don’t feel loved?…Kiss and hope you’ll eventually feel it? Hug and enjoy feeling close to he who talks to you through gritted teeth? This is a great question. I...

Patty Newbold

I am a widow who got it right the second time. I have been sharing here since February 14, 2006 what I learned from that experience and from positive psychology, marriage research, and my training as a marriage educator.

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