The October Blog Challenge


Darn! I lost the last three days of the month when my web server crashed repeatedly under the weight of an avalanche of spam comments. Lots of greedy people appear to think this is a place to post advertising for spellcasters, sneakers, clothing, and porn for free.
But I got in 28 solid blog posts, and I hope you enjoyed them. I wish my schedule allowed me to post daily all year round. Someday!
I thank you all for the many comments this month and for the great birthday gift you gave my mother at her blog (
Have any marriage questions you’d like me to answer in my November blog posts? Just ask in the comments form. (If you get this by email, click the title to get to the comments form.) Using a fictitious name to spare your spouse any embarrassment is fine.
Now I’ve got to get my next Sher Success Team by Phone set up. If you’ve got a dream you want help achieving, drop me a note in the comments. I’ll reply to the email address without publishing your comment.
OK. One more. We’ve got houseflies breeding in a pair of windows 16 feet above my desk and no ladder that reaches up there. We’re killing flies all day everyday as they come down, but at least once a week there are 100 or more new flies up there. We’re trying to avoid buying, transporting, and storing a ladder. Any ideas?

About the author

Patty Newbold

I am a widow who got it right the second time. I have been sharing here since February 14, 2006 what I learned from that experience and from positive psychology, marriage research, and my training as a marriage educator.

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By Patty Newbold

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