ArchiveJune 2013

A Third Alternative in the Bedroom


A while back, a reader asked for some perspectives on her sex life with her husband. Not exactly my area of expertise, I thought, but as I read her story, I realized it wasn’t sex that was the problem. Let me share her tale but preserve her privacy. She wrote: I was wondering what your opinion is on exploring sexually within marriage. I am interested in [some more adventurous practices]...

Mother-in-Law / Daughter-in-Law Conflicts


It’s not easy being a daughter-in-law. Just ask mine. I think she was terrified of me when we met, because we come from different cultures, different countries, and different religions. These days, though, we get along pretty well in spite of all that, a good deal better than I got along with my mother-in-law at first. And though you would think being a daughter-in-law first would help you...

I Would but I Can’t


I would pick up those things from the pharmacy, but I can’t, because I get home after the pharmacy closes. That was my version of the truth in the last two months of my first marriage. We needed them, at least once a week. I believed my long commute and frequent late hours meant my husband should pick them up. He didn’t. I felt put-upon when I did without and had to up early and...

I Love You, But I Am No Longer In Love With You


I have been writing up a storm in response to questions posted recently on an April 2012 blog post of mine: One Last Stand Before Divorce. I hope you will pay a visit if you’re wondering about “I love you” vs. “I am in love with you.” Also if you are separated and hoping to get back together again or on the verge of separating. It’s next to impossible to feel...

For marriage book reviews and books by Patty Newbold, the author of Assume Love, visit:

Marriage and Alcohol


Alcohol relaxes us. This can be a great thing for your marriage if you’re anxious about something that might go badly at work tomorrow. You’ll be more ready for quality time together or some much needed physical touch. If it relaxes you so much that you forget to pick up your spouse at the airport, it can make a mess of things. Alcohol also reduces our inhibitions. This is wonderful...

Patty Newbold

I am a widow who got it right the second time. I have been sharing here since February 14, 2006 what I learned from that experience and from positive psychology, marriage research, and my training as a marriage educator.

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