What If It’s All Over Tomorrow?


Tomorrow, the Mayan calendar ends. Does the world? A number of Christian friends see what they believe to be signs of the End Times for this world, too. More worrisome to me, the news media, keen on helping gun control along and ratings up, remind us now that there are 24 gun murders daily in the US and more than ten times this number of people shot daily.
We can see all this as reason to worry. Or we can see it as a reason to be today the sort of husband or wife or partner we imagine we could be. If you’re still alive 26 years after your spouse dies (as I am), will you enjoy looking back at your part in your relationship? Or are you putting off being loving, grateful, kind, respectful, gracious, forgiving, generous, and awed for a more convenient day?
Gotta go kiss my bonus husband right now. He’s an incredible man. I want to feel his love every day for the rest of my life, and I want him to feel mine, even if the worst happens to one of us tomorrow.

About the author

Patty Newbold

I am a widow who got it right the second time. I have been sharing here since February 14, 2006 what I learned from that experience and from positive psychology, marriage research, and my training as a marriage educator.


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  • I count every day as a blessing Patty because we’ve both had major health problems in recent years. They made me realize you can never take things for granted… although you can’t help it sometimes… but one thing I never take for granted is the love of my husband. When go through tough times together it makes you come out stronger and valueing every day when you’re not lying in some hospital bed unsure of what’s about to happen.
    Big love to you and your husband.

  • A moment spent with Tammy is never a wasted moment. I have never regretted spending time with her. This philosophy keeps me from worrying about what’s on the news and so I turn to our marriage which I can do something about immediately and each day.

  • I feel loved and loving every day. Neither of us is perfect – far from it, but it feels good to be growing together more and more each year.
    Important to remember, Patty. I wasn’t listening to any of the hooplah, so I wasn’t aware it was tomorrow. I guess I better have a snack tonight.

By Patty Newbold

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