
Enjoy Married Life More


This summer’s Enjoy Being Married teleclasses are all scheduled now, and we have some really great topics coming up: Less Drama, More Wow! (June 23) If Momma Ain’t Happy…(July 7) Oxytocin and Your Marriage (July 21) Ouch! That Stings! (August 11) Keeping Your Marriage Strong When Money Gets Tight (September 8) Going After Your Dreams, Even the Ones You Don’t Share...

Where I Disappeared To


I haven’t posted here in almost six weeks. Where was I? Creating a new website, www.enjoybeingmarried.com. I hope you’ll come check it out. It has a resource directory of do-it-yourself marriage education resources (books, DVDs, CDs, games, etc.) from many sources. It lists my upcoming teleclasses. And soon it will have podcasts and eBooks for you to download. I want to make it as...

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