TagSecond Helping

Marriage without Compliments?


Want to know what I really like about this advice I give you and usually follow myself, to Assume Love? It leads to some really amazing discoveries. The one I write about in today’s My Husband Made Me Eat It column at Second Helping Online is that the failure to compliment can be a great way to show love.
Are you making any great discoveries like this from assuming love in your own marriage?

My Husband Made Me Eat It!


My Husband Made Me Eat It is my new column for married folks trying to maintain weight loss, like me. It’s part of a fantastic web site filled with great tips and advice for anyone losing weight or keeping it off, SecondHelpingOnline.com. Check out recipes like Turkey Burgers Garnished with Chopped Roasted Shallot, Catalan Mushrooms, and Maple Molasses Chipotle Ketchup or easy-on-the...

It’s the Way I Look Now, Isn’t It?


Today’s post is by guest blogger Russ Lane of Second Helping, a website about life after weight loss. It is unusual to address dating in Assume Love, but what Russ experienced affects us married folks, too, when our fears get in the way of seeing what is really going on. I never dated before I lost 200 pounds and transformed from wallflower to Mr. Adventure. Back then, I blamed this and...

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