Tagsay no

When to Say No to Your Kids


What an awesome responsibility, to become the parent of a child. When you have taken care of feeding them and protecting them from harm, you still want to give them all the love they need and all the advantages you can offer. You teach them to walk, do homework with them, take them to soccer practice, pay for their SAT prep classes. You monitor their television time, show them how to hold a...

When You Can’t Say Yes to Your Husband or Wife


Sometimes, what your mate proposes just doesn’t work for you. It seems too risky or scary or it asks too much of you. You can’t say yes. Ron wants his wife Ronee to see the Grand Canyon with him. He thinks they should fly out there this summer. She would love to see it, but she’s terrified of flying. She says not this year. She wants to make Ron happy, and it makes her feel...

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