TagMichelle Obama

Michelle Obama Says Laugh with Your Spouse


Michelle Obama says a lot of laughing and finding ways to have fun together keeps her bond with President Barak Obama strong, according to Yahoo News. They have been married for 18 years, balancing two careers, one of them in some pretty tough political arenas, and parenthood. Humor and playfulness is one of the Transcendence strengths studied in the VIA (Values in Action) Classification of...

Michelle Obama’s Happy Marriage


If you, your spouse, and your kids are the only ones who care if your marriage is a happy one, count your blessings. Over a third (35%) of women in a September 2007 Ladies Home Journal survey said their vote for president in 2008 would be influenced at least somewhat by how happy they thought the candidate’s marriage was. Coming in second in perceived marital happiness, right behind John...

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