If you are not yet married but would like to be, you may wonder if you now date or live with “the one” you should marry or, if not, how to spot this perfect partner. I received an email recently from someone wondering about this, too. Who is Your Perfect Partner? Your perfect partner adds something extra to your good enough life. He or she is not responsible for making it good enough...
Childhood Cancer Survivors Less Likely to Marry
Double bad luck: people who have cancer as children are less likely to marry than those who don’t. Around 70% of Americans marry by the time they are 30 years old. But not childhood cancer survivors. Only half of them do, according to a large follow-up study reported today. Why not? Short stature, poor physical functioning, and cognitive problems are the factors more common among the people...
Orlando Marriage Booster
Saturday, July 11, 2009 will be a great day for Orlando-area husbands, wives, and single people who hope to marry or remarry. This year’s Smart Marriages® Conference will be in town, and its 17 Saturday seminars are open to the public. The price for any of these 90-minute sessions is just $15. This also includes admission to all the SmartMarriages exhibits, where you might run into some...