
Snarky Comments


Snarky comments about your wife or husband never make a marriage happier or stronger…not even if you share them only with your friends.

AssumeLove.com – celebrating our 18th anniversary today. Happy Valentine’s Day, everyone!

Active, Constructive, Marriage-Strengthening


Help yourself to happier feelings. Tell your spouse about the positive events in your life. Accomplish a goal? Receive an award or promotion? Lose weight? Tell your spouse. Researcher Shelly Gable has found this pays off in increased well-being and a better mood. You can take it to the next level and get greater well-being plus a more satisfying and stable relationship. How? Through active and...

Make Yourself Happier: Imagine Never Having Met


The How of Happiness author Sonja Lyubomirsky explains one way to add some delight to your relationship. Take the next 15 to 20 minutes to describe in writing how you might never have met your partner, how you might never have started dating, and how you might not have ended up together. What little twists of fate might have kept you two from becoming a permanent couple? If you can’t see...

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