
Change or Lose Your Spouse!


I tuned in to a bit of Dr. Phil’s show again today. He had on reality TV celebrity couples with relationship problems. As always, they complained about each other’s habits, and he told one or both of them to change or expect to wind up divorced and alone. Here’s my thinking: No! My goal is not to get a marriage only to the point where it won’t self-destruct. And it is...

Why Be Married? For Protection Against Alzheimer’s


More evidence today that being married may protect us against Alzheimer’s Disease or a less serious loss of cognitive abilities. This comes from Krister Hakansson of Sweden in a report to the International Conference on Alzheimer’s Disease today. The study looks at more than 1,400 people in Finland over a 21-year period from middle-aged to over 65. Among those who carried a gene...

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