
Big, Hairy Problems


When you’re facing a big, hairy problem, you can curl up in a little ball and beg your spouse to solve it for you. Or you can come up with a possible solution and try to talk your spouse into joining you in implementing it. Most of the time, both of these will just leave you with a big, hairy problem and an unhappy relationship. Since, of course, you deserve better, these will probably also...

Win Every Argument


It’s January. Time for all those post-holiday arguments. You two have different goals for the new year. You have different hurts left over from last year. You have different fears, different challenges ahead. You have different ideas of how important those threats or challenges will be. You have different ideas how to deal with them. Break out the arguments. And crank up the stakes. Your...

Disagreements Turn Into Gifts


When you look for a Third Alternative instead of arguing over whatever you disagree about, two things happen. You get what you want or something you like even more. You give generously to your husband or wife. But how do you come up a Third Alternative when none comes easily? Call in to my August 6th teleclass to find out. To get the phone number, sign up for my newsletter at www...

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