CategoryHow to Find Third Alternatives

Helping Your Disabled War Vet Spouse


Rachel Cornell wrote a powerful blog post last week for the wives, husbands, parents, and friends of disabled war vets. A blind artist, author, and speaker, Rachel gets it. When your limb, your vision, your range of motion, or half your intestines are gone, you don’t “put your life back together again” — you build a new life. You don’t “get things back to...

How to Talk to Your Spouse about Money


I was asked on Twitter this morning by author Susan Kuhn Frost how to talk to your spouse about money. It’s a great question. In a word: gently. Prepare yourself for the discussion by counting your blessings. When we feel any lack of resources tightening its grip on us, it’s so tempting to pass the fears off to someone else, instead of laying them to rest. But do you really want to...

Sharing a Home with Diver or Scanner


After tonight’s teleclass on Divers (people with one interest they keep going deeper into) and Scanners (people with so many interests they can’t choose one) and how they can get along, someone sent me this question. Diver and Scanner couple. My husband does not understand all my piles. He calls them my “droppings.” I think of them as my “stations.” I...

For marriage book reviews and books by Patty Newbold, the author of Assume Love, visit:

Disagreements Turn Into Gifts


When you look for a Third Alternative instead of arguing over whatever you disagree about, two things happen. You get what you want or something you like even more. You give generously to your husband or wife. But how do you come up a Third Alternative when none comes easily? Call in to my August 6th teleclass to find out. To get the phone number, sign up for my newsletter at www...

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