ArchiveFebruary 2014

Requests vs. Expectations


As you’ve probably figured out, I write about how to enjoy being married, not how to be a great spouse or how to turn your husband or wife into one. One of the greatest keys to having a wonderful marriage is to Expect Love and let go of all those other expectations about what it means to be married. When you expect only that you will be loved, and the snow’s piled two feet deep in...

Congratulations and a Free Book


Today marks the 8th anniversary of Assume Love. When I started it, I never imagined I could still be writing, would still have anything to say, eight years later. So I must congratulate you, the folks who show up in my visitor counts and especially those of you who leave comments, for those are the things that keep me writing. Thank you for these eight years and the ones to come. The free book...

Husband Improvement Projects


This question was left as a comment today, and I think it warrants its own blog post. I hope you will, too. Sue wrote: My husband and I have a pretty good thing going. There is a cultural difference (he is Scandinavian) we have bridged with humor and has even helped us both to stretch and grow. He was raised on a very poor farm and did not learn any table manners. He is now highly educated and in...

Loving is a Choice


Wish your spouse or other life partner would show you more loving? Loving is a choice, but intuiting what you want is a talent. If you want something, ask for it. Loving is a choice, but there is no choice if you demand what you want or nag, throw temper tantrums, or sulk when you don’t get it. Make sure your mate is not your only source for what you want or need. Loving is a choice, but it...

For marriage book reviews and books by Patty Newbold, the author of Assume Love, visit:

Ever Wonder Why Your Man Reads Faces So Poorly?


Some men have Social Intelligence nailed. They can recognize people they’ve met and read and adapt their actions to the most fleeting facial expression. But many do an awful job of this. Ladies, before you roll your eyeballs (a serious no-no for a woman who loves her man) when your husband misses cues that are obvious to you, consider this new research into facial recognition. Now that...

Patty Newbold

I am a widow who got it right the second time. I have been sharing here since February 14, 2006 what I learned from that experience and from positive psychology, marriage research, and my training as a marriage educator.

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